Blues / Rock Soloing For Guitar
Calva Robert
cena 138,95 zł.
Calva Robert
Blues / Rock Soloing For Guitar
Blues i Rock na gitarę solo
Blues / Rock Soloing For Guitar
Szkoła gry coverów bluesa i rocka autorstwa Roberta Calva - popularnego gitarzysty amerykańskiego. Znajdziesz tu różnorodne zagadnienia techniczne i krok po kroku nauczysz się grać popularne partie solowe. Dodatkowo do książki dołączona jest płyta CD, na której nagrane są od 1 do 2 wersji ścieżek dźwiękowych dla poszczególnych utworów.
This private lesson with MI instructor Robert Calva covers: 10 complete solos in notes & tab; common scales and licks; blues, major, minor and combined tonalities; playing over changes; recommended listening; and more. Each musical example is demonstrated on the accompanying CD, which also includes rhythm-only tracks so you can practice your own solos.
Spis treści: Introduction Tuning How To Use This Book Chapter 1: Common Scales Used in Blues - Rock The CAGED Method The Crossover Technique Learning the Scales Practicing the Scales Scale Exercises Circle of Fifths Method Scale Diagrams Summary Chapter 2: Blues Tonalities Texas Shuffle Turn for the Worse Funkin' It Up Southern Boogie Chapter 3: Major Tonalities Ballad in D Foolin' Around Chapter 4: Minor Tonalities I Adore U Dori Ann Chapter 5: Combining Tonalities: Playing Over Changes Tomorrow's Kiss Not For The Faint of Heart Parting Words - Food for Thought Recommended Listening About the Author About the CD
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