Left-handed Guitar
Szkoła nauki gry na gitarze Troya Stetiny. Książka przeznaczona jest dla osób leworęcznych. Autor prezentuje od podstaw technikę gry, zagadnienia dotyczące dźwięków na poszczególnych strunach, akordów, skali, riffów, a także przedstawia sposoby gry w stylach takich jak: rock, blues, jazz na gitarze z odwrotnie założonymi strunami. Stetina charakteryzuje poszczególne style muzyczne i popiera je przykładami utworów. Dodatkowo do książki dołączona jest płyta CD zawierająca 99 wersji demonstracyjnych poszczególnych utworów i solówek.
Attention all Southpaws: it's time to turn your playing around! We're proud to announce that our groundbreaking guitar method solely devoted to lefties is now available with a CD! Complete with photos, diagrams and grids designed especially for the left-handed player, this book/CD pack teaches fundamentals such as: chords, scales, riffs, strumming; rock, blues, fingerpicking and other styles; tuning and theory; reading standard notation and tablature; and much more! Now with CD!
Lista utworów:
Fingerpicking Styles
Strumming Style Notation
The Blues
Reading Tablature
Barre Chords
Power Chords And Riffs
Reading Music On The Staff
Spis treści:
Welcome to Left - Handed Guitar!
Famous Lefties
About the Audio
Playing Left - Handed Guitar Today
A Few More Things
Reading Music on the Staff
String 1: E
String 2: B
Rests and Dotted Half Notes
String 3: G
Eighth Notes
String 4: D
More Sharps and Flats
String 5: A
String 6: E
More Flats
Strumming - Style Notation
Open Major Chords
Slash Notation
Time Values
Open Minor Chords
Open Seventh Chords
Strumming Patterns
Root/Chord Strumming
Vocal Accompaniament
Reading Tabulature
Boogie Patterns in E
Single - Note Riffs
Arpeggiated Chords
Power Chords and Riffs
Open Power Chords
Extanded Open Power Chords
Movable Power Chords
Guitar Ariculations
Barre Chords
E-form Barre Chords
A-form Barre Chords
Seventh Barre Chords
The Blues
The 12-Bar Blues Progression
The Shuffle Rhythm
Sixth Comping
Blues Shuffle
The Blues Scale
Texas Blues Shuffle
Fingerpicking Styles
Common Arpeggiation Patterns
Fingerstyle Accompaniament
Hybrid Picking
Chord Refernce
Scale Reference
Appendix: Using Right - Handed Materials
Notation Guide