Essential Elements 2000 Band Directors Communication Kit - Cd-rom
Ilość stron: | 48 |
Format: | 230 x 305 |
Opracowanie na: | książka + CD |
Wersja językowa: | angielska |
Dostępność: | w magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa |
Kod produktu: | NPL065642 |
Publikacja Timiego Lautzenheisera i Brada Whita jest przeznaczona dla nauczycieli prowadzących zespoły muzyczne. Znajdują się tu karty pracy na każdy miesiąc roku szkolnego, a także przykłady listów i podań w sprawach koncertów, wyjazdów, itp. Do książki dołączona jest płyta CD-ROM, na której znajdują się dokumenty z książki w formie multimedialnej, co umożliwia m. in. korespondencję nauczyciela z rodzicami uczniów.
In the Band Director's Communications Kit, Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser has provided every teacher with communication letters focusing on music advocacy, the importance of the arts in our schools, and the benefits of musical study in the development of the child. Dr. Charles Menghini, Director of Bands at VanderCook College of Music, Chicago, has contributed additional letters written specifically for band - essential time savers for the busy band director.
Spis treści:
About the CD-ROM
Using this book
Part 1: Music advocacy
The Time is Now - a personal viewpoint
August: Welcome back to school
September: Importance of parental support
October: Mid - term reminder of the importance of music
November: A thanksgiving message of gratitude
December: The global language - music
January: The Value of music beyond performance
February: Being a Part of a musical community
March: A reminder of music's importance to success in life
April: Music Education - More than Just Music
May: Parents Ensure Music Education's Future
June: Thank You and Keep Making Music
General Letter #1: Letter to parents supporting music learning
General Letter #2: Recruiting Junior High to High School
Administrator Letter #1: The Value of Music Learning
Administrator Letter #2: The Importance of Music in Our Schools
Part 2: All about band
End of Pre - Season Marching Band Practice
Invitation to Parent Support Group Meeting
Parent Time & Talent Survey
School - Owned Instrument Issue
Home Practice Letter
Concert Invitation & Etiquette Reminder
Letter Supporting Student's Request for time off from work
First time chaperon thank you
Repeat chaperon thank you
Private Lessons
The importance of a quality musical instrument
Solicitation of financial contribution
Recognizing outstanding work
End of school year - returning student
Student considering quitting band
Summer music camp
College Notification Letter
Part 3: Resource information
Advocacy Guidelines
Advocacy Guidelines - What Parents can do
National Coalition for music education materials
National coalition for music education materials
About the authors