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Armitage Dennis Be-Bop for 2 Tenor Sax Be-Bop na 2 saksofony tenorowe Be-Bop for 2 Tenor Sax
Publikacja zawiera cztery utwory Dennisa Armitage w stylu Be-Bop: "Boppin' Around", "Make it Double", "Take It Again" i "Just for a Change". W obecnym wydaniu utwory mogą być wykonywane przez 3 rodzaje obsady: Dennis Armitage: a very special musician. Pianist, composer, arranger and sensitive painter - Dennis Armitage, is all these things. Born in England, he has lived for nearly 30 years in Zurich. He had his first piano lessons when he was 7, was already appearing in public in his home town of Leeds at the age of 15 and was playing regularly as a big band pianist a year later. Lista utworów: |
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