Technical Control for the Modern Pianist
Ilość stron: | 152 |
Format: | 230 x 305 |
Opracowanie na: | fortepian solo |
Obsada: | Instrument (w nawiasie ilość materiałów wykonawczych) Fortepian (1) |
Wersja językowa: | wstępu: angielska biografii: angielska opisów: angielska tytułów utworów: angielska |
Stopień trudności: | 4 w skali od 0 do 10 |
Dostępność: | w magazynie, wysyłka natychmiastowa |
Zawartość: | Zajrzyj do środka. Oto kilka stron z publikacji:
Kod produktu: | NPL079858 |
Publikacja zawiera szereg ćwiczeń technicznych na fortepian według modelu pedagogicznego takich kompozytorów współczesnych, jak m. in.: Rose Abot, Irl Allison, Erna Chiurco, Albert de Vito, Bernard Kirshbaum, Alice Sirooni, Hazel Ghazarian Skaggs, Harold Zabrack i innych. Ćwiczenia dotyczą m. in. sposobów palcowania, ozdobników, arpeggia, tremola, pasaży, sposobów artykulacji, gry akordowej i innych. Wszystkie tematy są dokładnie omówione. Całość w języku angielskim.
Finger exercises used by members of the Piano Teachers Congress of New York. 152 pages packed with valuable exercises.
Spis treści:
Contributor Contents
Abot Rose
Let Us See Those O O O O's
Allison Irl
Chord Inversions
Bradshaw David
Three Muscle Exercises
Chenée Ann
Trill Exercises for the Fourth and Fifth Fingers
Chiurco Erna
Scale Variation for the Beginning Student
De Vito Albert
Finger Control Leads to good tone quality
Playing "fp" on a Sustained Chord
Using the Damper pedal
Brush Stroke
Tone Quality
Shading of Chords
Third Study
Sixth Study
Scales and Arpeggios, Rhythms and Phrasing
Practice Suggestions
Complex Rhythms
Two against Three or Four against Six
Three against Two or Six against Eighth
Four against three or eighth against Six
Five against three or ten against six
Three against five or six against ten
Four against five or eight against ten
Five against four or ten against eight
Major Scales
Minor Scales
Whole tone scales
Chromatic scales
Diminished scales
Arpeggios on the Major Triads, root position
First and second inversions
Arpeggios on the minor triads, root position
First and Second inversions
Arpeggios on the Dominant seventh, root position
First, Second and Third Inversions
Diminished seventh chords in arpeggio form
Augmented chords in arpeggio form
Augmented seventh chords in arpeggio form
Augmented seventh chord with a minor third (example)
Seventh Chords with a diminished fifth (example)
Major sixth chords in arpeggio form
Minor sixth chords in arpeggio form
Minor seventh chords in arpeggio form
Minor seventh chords with a diminished
Minor seventh chords in arpeggio form
Minor seventh chords with a diminished
Major seventh chords in arpeggio form
Major seventh chord with an Augmented fifth
Major seventh chord with a diminished fifth
Major seventh chords with a minor
Major seventh chord with a Minor third and an Augmented fifth
Major seventh chord with a Minor third and a Diminished fifth
Edwards Carole
Flying in a Plane and coming down
Etts May
Thumb Under Exercise
Thumb under exercise based on scale fingering
Thumb under exercise based on arpeggio
Skipping exercise
Garte Esther
The fish exercises and stories
Fish exercise and story no. 1
Fish exercise, a Musical fish, no. 2
Fish exercise, the Fish goes visiting, no. 3
Kirshbaum Bernard
Suggestions - good practice habits, good study habits and musical interpretation
Diatonic scale study for the development of control and speed
Arpeggio study for the development of control and speed
Further diatonic study for speed
Movement of thumb over Held notes and fingers over thumb
Study points on the paraphrased two part inventions by J.S. Bach
Two part invention
Lang Bertha
Legato third development
Development of light touch
McClanahan Richard
Double third exercise based on the dominante seventh chord
Nehman Sara
Chord Studies
Rosenfeld Saul
Hand Stretching and flexibility
Chromatic exercise using five fingers
Sirooni Alice
Finger independence exercises
Repeated Notes
Skaggs Hazel Ghazarian
New scale formation for technical preparation in performing contemporary music
Stenzler Sylvia L.
Diminished Seventh Chords used in Chromatic progression and variations
Broken chords in chromatic movement
Stojowski Luisa
Pedaling suggestions
Tecklin Libbie
Chromatic scale for the development of strength in using the third, fourth and fifth fingers, both hands
Chord study, major keys
Minor keys
Zabrack Harold
Hand Musculature exercise
Development Exercise for Bridge of Hand
Tonic Seventh Broken Chord exercise in chromatic modulation
Piano technique, a psycho-physical investigation